GMLR 2025 Track (4th edition)

There is an increasing number of applications where data are represented in the well-structured and flexible form of graphs, thus going beyond the classical and simple Euclidean domain. For example, in e-commerce, a graph-based learning system can exploit the interactions between users and products to make highly accurate and customized recommendations. In chemistry, molecules are modeled as graphs, and their bioactivity needs to be identified for drug discovery. In a citation network, papers are linked to each other via citationships and they need to be categorized into different groups. Data are represented by graphs in many other applications as well. Moreover, recent studies in machine learning and computer vision also use graph-based representations in typical tasks such as action recognition, object tracking, scene undestanding, and social analysis.
The motivation for this track is to gather the most recent works on learning and recognition algorithms and related graph-based applications, to encourage discussion about achievements and open challenges.


Graphs have gained a lot of attention in the pattern recognition community thanks to their ability to encode both topological and semantic information. Despite their invaluable descriptive power, their arbitrarily complex structured nature poses serious challenges when they are involved in learning systems. The complexity of graph data carries significant challenges for existing algorithms. Some (but not all) of challenging concerns are: a non-unique representation of data, heterogeneous attributes (symbolic, numeric, etc.), and so on. Furthermore, in the machine learning context, even other important issues are addressed. For example, as graphs can be irregular, a graph may have a variable size of unordered nodes, and the nodes may have a different number of neighbors, resulting in some important operations (e.g., convolutions) that are easy to compute in a vector domain, but difficult to apply to the graph domain. In recent years, due to their widespread applications, graph-based learning algorithms have gained much research interest. Encouraged by the success of CNNs, a wide variety of methods have redefined the notion of convolution for graphs and provided, in particular, a suitable representation for ubiquitous spatio-temporal data. These new approaches have in general enabled effective training and achieved in many cases better performances than competitors, though at the detriment of computational costs. Typical examples of applications dealing with graph-based representation are: scene graph generation, point clouds classification, and action recognition in computer vision; text classification, inter-relations of documents or words to infer document labels in natural language processing; forecasting traffic speed, volume or the density of roads in traffic networks, whereas in chemistry researchers apply graph-based algorithms to study the graph structure of molecules/compounds. This track as a whole intends to focus on all aspects of graph-based representations and models for learning and recognition tasks.


Track topics include but are not limited to:

  • Graph Neural Networks: theory and applications

  • Deep learning on graphs

  • Graph or knowledge representational learning

  • Graphs in pattern recognition

  • Graph databases and linked data in AI

  • Benchmarks for GNN

  • Dynamic, spatial and temporal graphs

  • Graph methods in computer vision

  • Human behavior and scene understanding

  • Social networks analysis

  • Data fusion methods in GNN

  • Efficient and parallel computation for graph learning algorithms

  • Reasoning over knowledge-graphs

  • Interactivity, explainability and trust in graph-based learning

  • Probabilistic graphical models

  • Biomedical data analytics on graphs

Important dates

  • Submission of regular papers and SRC abstracts (extended to): October 13, 2024
  • Notification of papers/SRC acceptance/rejection: October 30, 2024
  • Camera-ready copies of accepted papers/SRC: November 29, 2024
  • Author registration due date: December 6, 2024

Conference dates

  • SRC Posters Exhibit: Tuesday April 1, 2025
  • Non-SRC Posters Program: Wednesday April 2, 2025
  • SRC Oral Presentations: Thursday April 3, 2025


Regular Paper

Each paper will be double-blindly reviewed by at least three reviewers; this is an ACM requirement as SAC is a “Refereed Conference”. Please adhere to this requirement when you prepare for your paper. Double-blindly means that the author of a paper does not know the reviewers of his/her paper and reviewers do not know the authors of the papers they reviewed.
Poster Sessions: Papers that received high reviews (that is acceptable by reviewer standards) but were not accepted due to space limitation can be invited for the poster session.
Original manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format through the START system used by SAC 2024 conference

  • Author kit is HERE
  • Submission page is HERE

Student Research Competition (SRC)

Students are invited to submit research abstracts (maximum of 4 pages in ACM camera-ready format) following the instructions published at the SAC 2024 website. Submission of the same abstract to multiple tracks is not allowed. All research abstract submissions will be reviewed by researchers and practitioners with expertise in the track focus area to which they are submitted.
Authors of selected abstracts (up to 18 students) will have the opportunity to give poster and oral presentations of their work and compete for three top-winning places. The SRC committee will evaluate and select First, Second, and Third place winners. The winners will receive medals and cash awards. Winners will be announced during the conference banquet. Invited students receive SRC travel support (US$500) and are eligible to apply to the SIGAPP Student Travel Award Program (STAP) for additional travel support.

  • Author kit is HERE
  • Submission page src is HERE

SAC No-Show Policy

Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the papers and posters in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for all accepted papers, posters, and invited SRC submissions to be included in the ACM digital library. No-show of scheduled papers, posters, and student research abstracts will result in excluding them from the ACM digital library.


Accepted Papers and Posters and Session Preparation:

  • The length of the paper is 8 page (included in the registration) + 2 pages (at extra charge) = 10 pages maximum.
  • The length of the poster is 3 pages (included in the registration) + 1 page (at extra charge) = 4 pages maximum.
  • The length of the SRC abstract is 4 pages maximum.

Accepted papers will be published in the annual conference proceedings and will be included in the ACM digital library. Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the paper, poster, or SRC abstract in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for including the work in the ACM/IEEE digital library. No-show of registered papers, posters, and SRC abstracts will result in excluding them from the ACM/IEEE digital library.

Track Co-Chairs

  • Vittorio Cuculo - University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Computer Science and Engineering Department,
  • Alessandro D'Amelio - University of Milan, Computer Science Department,
  • Giuliano Grossi - University of Milan, Computer Science Department,
  • Raffaella Lanzarotti - University of Milan, Computer Science Department,
  • Jianyi Lin - University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Department of Statistical Science,

Program Committee

  • Masayoshi Aritsugi (Kumamoto University)

  • Annalisa Barla (University of Genova)

  • Simone Bianco (University of Milano-Bicocca)

  • Laura-Bianca Bilius (University of Suceava)

  • Giorgio Blandano (University of Milan)

  • Jacopo Burger (University Of Milan)

  • Munkhbuyan Buyankhishig (Kumamoto University Japan)

  • Antonella Carbonaro (University of Bologna)

  • Emanuele Carlini (ISTI-CNR)

  • Dalcimar Casanova (IFSC/USP)

  • Vittorio Cuculo (University of Milan)

  • Victoria Degeler (University of Amsterdam)

  • Elioenai Diniz (UTFPR)

  • Giuseppe Facchi (University of Milan)

  • Samuel Feng (Sorbonne University)

  • Gabriele Gianini (University of Milan-Bicocca)

  • Francesco Isgrò (University of Naples Federico II)

  • Sotirios Kentros (Salem State University)

  • Giosuè Lo Bosco (University of Palermo)

  • Liliana Lo Presti (University of Palermo)

  • Diego Minatel (University of Sao Paulo (USP)

  • Nicoletta Noceti (Università di Genova)

  • Jefferson T. Oliva (Federal University of Technology Paraná)

  • Maurice Pagnucco (University of New South Wales)

  • Sabrina Patania (University of Milan)

  • Luiz Fernando Puttow Southier (UTFPR)

  • Nelson Aloysio Reis de Almeida Passos (University of Pisa)

  • Nícolas Roque dos Santos (University of São Paulo)

  • Sabrina Patania (University of Milan-Bicocca)

  • Alessandro Provetti (University of Milan)

  • Ryan A. Rossi (Adobe Research)

  • Marcos Paulo Silva (University of Sao Paulo)

  • Alessandro Sperduti (University of Padua)

  • Andrés Tello (University of Groningen)

  • Salvatore Trani (ISTI-CNR)

  • Luca Vassio (Politecnico di Torino)

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