Please attribute this data to its creators in your publications and consider sharing your improved data with us and others online.
pyVHR framework
Package pyVHR (short for Python framework for Virtual Heart Rate) is a comprehensive framework for studying methods of pulse rate estimation relying on video, also known as remote photoplethysmography (rPPG).
DownloadopenFACS 3D framework
OpenFACS is an open source FACS-based 3D face animation system. OpenFACS is a software that allows the simulation of realistic facial expressions through the manipulation of specific action units as defined in the Facial Action Coding System.
DownloadGaze Deploy gaze model
Implementation of the gaze model "On gaze deployment to audio-visual cues of social interactions".
DownloadCLE gaze model
Constrained Levy Exploration (CLE) generates a visual scanpath by computing gaze shifts as Levy flights on any kind of saliency map (bottom-up or top-down) computed for the given image.
DownloadpyEcoSampling gaze model
Implementation of Ecological Sampling (ES) method, which generates gaze shifts on video clips (frame sequences) based on a stochastic model of eye guidance.
DownloadGazing at social gaze model
Implementation of the gaze model "Gazing at Social Interactions Between Foraging and Decision Theory".
DownloadDANTE annotation tool
DANTE (Dimensional ANnotation Tool for Emotions) is an emotional annotation tool to annotate any kind of video in terms of valence and arousal continuous dimensions.
Download DemoR-SVD dictionary learning algorithm
This package contains the Matlab implementation of R-SVD, an algorithm for dictionary learning in sparsity models based on the orthogonal Procrustes shape analysis.
DownloadLiMapS & k-LiMapS sparse coding algorithms
LiMapS and k-LiMapS are fast iterative methods for finding sparse solutions to underdetermined linear systems, based on a fixed-point iteration scheme which combines nonconvex Lipschitzian-type mappings with canonical orthogonal projectors.
AMHUSE multimodal dataset
AMHUSE (A Multimodal dataset for HUmor SEnsing) is a multimodal dataset acquired with the aim to study emotional response in presence of amusement stimulus.